May 19, 2021
*** Highlights ***
– For the first time, you can quickly identify the gains and losses of equipping an item to determine if an item is an upgrade and by how much. See the UI section below for more information.
– New Hunter Achievements have been added for expansions Gates of Discord through Underfoot. See the NPCs section for details.
– Look to the Marketplace this month for the Halfling Heritage Crate. Each crate contains a random item. Trade these Halfling Heritage items to your friends or collect them all yourself!
– Check out everquest.com/packs this month for the new Roguish Rapscallion Pack and Successful Shenanigan Bundle!
*** Items ***
– Descriptive text has been corrected for Outrider of Karana and Norrath Keeper’s bundles.
– Augmentation Distillers now stack up to 100.
– Added missing descriptive text for the Evantil Guild Trophy.
– Corrected an issue with the Legend of the Jarsath Destroyer pack that prevented it from giving the Visage of the Girplan as a prize. Replaced one chance at a Jester with Prize: Visage of the Girplan. The chance to get other items is unchanged.
– Look to the Marketplace this month for the Halfling Heritage Crate. Each crate contains a random item. Trade these Halfling Heritage items to your friends or collect them all yourself!
– Check out everquest.com/packs this month for the new Roguish Rapscallion Pack and Successful Shenanigan Bundle!
*** Quests & Events ***
– There will no longer be broadcasts about the tipsy gnome race. You can speak to Teena to get an idea of when it starts up again.
– Fixed an issue that was causing some fabled NPCs to restore all of their health every tick. The following should no longer have this issue: The Fabled Manaetic Behemoth, The Fabled Saryrn, The Fabled Terris-Thule, and The Fabled Warlord Gintolaken. In the Plane of Time instance: The Fabled Tallon Zek, The Fabled Vallon Zek, and The Fabled Saryrn.
– Fixed an issue with the Zlandicar Raid that could cause the dracoliches to spawn too quickly.
– Fixed a reset issue with the Defenders of the Tomb raid that could cause the event to reset if all the drakes were killed. Also reduced the hit points and damage of the drakes by 20% or more.
– Reworked the Rhag Cycle in Ssraeshza Temple using more modern techniques. Each boss should spawn reliably upon the death of the last.
– Modified the fourth event in Deathknell. Ayonae Ro will now become “vulnerable” over time (and health) rather than all at once.
*** Spells ***
– Fixed the spelling of Root Ball Exlosion and Root Bundle Exlosion.
– Corrected an issue where beam spells would sometimes try to hit mounts and targets out of line of sight.
– Necromancer – The Necrotizing Wounds line of spells will no longer stack with itself if cast by the same caster. The spells will do more damage and cost more mana. The proliferation spells that are triggered by these spells are unchanged.
– Necromancer – The Splurt line of spells will no longer stack with itself or with the Necrotizing Wounds line of spells. Higher ranks will deal more damage and cost more mana.
– Necromancer – The Scourge of Fates line of spells will no longer stack with itself. Scourge of Destiny now deals more damage and costs more mana. The spell line no longer uses a shared timer.
– Necromancer – Reduced the damage and mana cost for several DoT lines, including Pyre of Mori, Flashblaze, Searing Shadow, Pallid Haze, Curse of Mortality, and Swift Deconstruction. While these lines were individually not overperforming, in combination they resulted in far more damage than was healthy to allow to continue. Further changes to these or other lines may occur in the future.
*** AA ***
– Corrected an issue where the ‘Buy All’ button for Mercenary AA Abilities was not properly checking remaining points and prerequisite ranks.
*** NPCs ***
– A full set of Hunter achievements, including new titles and era-appropriate container rewards, have been added to the following achievement categories:
– – Gates of Discord
– – Omens of War
– – Dragons of Norrath
– – Depths of Darkhollow
– – Prophecy of Ro
– – The Serpent’s Spine
– – The Buried Sea
– – Secrets of Faydwer
– – Underfoot
– The following Hunter achievement container rewards have had their capacity increased:
– – Novice Dream Hunter’s Satchel, from 15 to 26
– – Adept Dream Hunter’s Satchel, from 15 to 28
– – Veteran Dream Hunter’s Satchel, from 16 to 30
– – Expert Dream Hunter’s Satchel, from 16 to 32
– – Satchel of the Dreamslayer, from 20 to 34
– – Novice Veil Hunter’s Satchel, from 16 to 30
– – Adept Veil Hunter’s Satchel, from 18 to 32
– – Veteran Veil Hunter’s Satchel, from 22 to 34
– – Expert Veil Hunter’s Satchel, from 24 to 36
– – Satchel of the Veilslayer, from 28 to 38
– – Adept Fear Hunter’s Satchel, from 24 to 32
– – Expert Fear Hunter’s Satchel, from 28 to 34
– – Expert Shadow Hunter’s Satchel, from 30 to 36
– – Satchel of the Fearslayer, from 32 to 40
– All expansion achievement sub-categories have been re-ordered to be more consistent.
– The Hunter achievement “Hunter of Gnome Memorial Mountain” has been moved from the Secrets of Faydwer category to The Burning Lands category as an optional component of the “Burnslayer” achievement.
*** Miscellaneous ***
– Fixed the exit from Velketor’s Labyrinth in Torment of Velious to deposit folks in the Great Divide rather than Eastern Wastes.
– Fixed a longstanding zone instability problem related to fellowship campfires.
– Merged groups will no longer include offline members in the creation of a new group. They will need to be invited to the group again if they log back in.
*** UI ***
– Added in the Item Compare feature.
– – You can now easily identify the gains and losses of equipping an item or which slot to equip it in to gain the most benefit.
– – To use this, inspect any equippable or augment item and select the currently equipped item in the new dropdown box you want to compare to.
– – This will allow you to see all the relevant equipment traits, stats, and effects that would be added or removed and any value differences.
– – Your race, class, and deity must match on the item in order to compare.
– Added two additional color options ‘Item Stat Positive’ and ‘Item Stat Negative’ which allow you to customize the colors used to display stat values in the Item Display Window.
– Corrected an issue that allowed shared bank bags to be opened while shrouded.
– Corrected an issue where weapon ratio would not accumulate damage correctly if the base item and an augment both had elemental or bane damage. Moved elemental damage to a secondary ratio that displays in parenthesis since it varies by NPC resistances.
– Added a potential fix for the raid window sometimes causing the client to lock up when moving players into groups.
– Messages about pending overflow items when logging in will now be displayed with the System Messages filter instead of showing up with Spell Failures.
– Fixed a typo in the Server Transfer Window.
– Corrected an issue that prevented Loot All in the Advanced Loot window from looting all.
– Changed –
*** Previously Updated ***
– Extended the first phase of the anniversary events by two weeks.
– Fixed an issue in the mission A Different Perspective that prevented the 6th step “Unlock the way to the seventh floor” element from completing successfully.
– Fixed an issue that was preventing all NPCs in the Plane of Time and some NPCs in other Planes of Power zones from becoming Fabled.
– The EverQuest Team