New User Interface Installed, New Expansion Pack Installed


Yesterday afternoon was a quiet time, Sony brought the servers back up a little late but not bad.  I downloaded the new interface that I use, AYATDSv1 from EQInterface, purchased the new expansion pack and logged into the game.  Once the new expansion was installed I unzipped the new interface into place and went on from there.

Qindaar visited his home at 108 Park Place and paid the mortgage for the next thirteen weeks and hung the new artwork from the expansion pack.  Still need to buy furniture, etc. because the house is total empty. From there he traveled back to the Guild Lobby and moved all his mounts to the new mount key ring so that freed up several slots in his bags which is great, saves on trips to the bank and vendors.

Hopefully will get some time this afternoon to do some more achievements and rack up some more experience.