Qindaar has been away for the Summer, but here is what is New at EQ

2016-02-26_11-16-43August 17, 2016

*** Highlights ***

– Corrected several issues with the pet window. Existing pet command hotkeys will need to be recreated. See UI section for additional information.
– Many AA consolidations. See AA section for additional information.

*** Items ***

– Items that adjust their stats under particular conditions (typically charm item mechanics) will now display spell effects when inspected.
– The item conversion feature now requires the base item to be free of augments before attempting the conversion process.
– The auras Circle of Power, Circle of Life, Circle of Mana, and Guardian Circle found on a number of rare items can now be activated and maintained regardless of other auras that you may have active.
– Augmentations that only fit in 1H Piercing weapons now refer to 1H Piercing rather than “Piercing.”
– The Beastlord ornamentation ‘The Warder’ has had its Lore flag removed.
– Corrected a problem that caused the Metamorph Totem: Murkglider to appear to be an ankylosaurus when previewed or placed in a house or yard.
– Beastlords – Corrected an issue with the focus effect Frozen Miasma Fury found on Anthemion Jerkin, Crypt-Hunter’s Dragonbrood Tunic, and Deathseeker’s Dragonbrood Tunic that caused it to focus a number of spells and abilities that it was not intended to.
– The foraged item Golanda Nut can now be traded.
– The focus effect Sympathetic Remote Healing Surge XV is now a focus effect and the proc Remote Healing Surge XV is now a proc on the item Demagogue’s Crutch.
– The Quarm-Touched Feran Bridle now shows the correct version of the mount on preview.
– Changed all items marked as Bard instruments so that they can be equipped in either the primary or secondary hand. Note that it intended that you are still only able to equip one instrument at a time.
– Keliss Arden, the Hero’s Forge Merchant in the Plane of Knowledge, now sells his Hero’s Forge ornament offerings as full suits instead of individual pieces.

*** Quests & Events ***

– Grannus (Raid) – Grannus will stop sharing his pain with players once his hit points are below 5%. This should prevent uncontrollable failures of the Non-Transferable achievement.
– Emollious (Raid) – Fixed an issue with All Must Fall in the Emollious event that caused it to be very hard to get.
– Essence Lens (Group) – The quest rewards can now be cycled from the convert button on the item itself instead of handing it to the quest NPC.
– The Hedge Event (Raid) – The Plane of Nightmare hedge maze escort has been improved.
– – Thelin Poxbourne is now player friendly. He can be buffed and healed and is safe from accidental (or purposeful) attacks that would disrupt the escort.
– – Saying “ready” to the character outside the maze with an ungrouped character will now teleport that single character into the maze instead of having no effect yet consuming a group count.
– – All dialogue triggers are now [bracketed].
– Nitram’s Collection (Raid) – The Plane of Innovation gnome escort has been improved.
– – Nitram Anizok is now player friendly. He can be buffed and healed and is safe from accidental (or purposeful) attacks that would disrupt the escort.
– – All dialogue triggers are now [bracketed].
– Corrected a potential bug where a player could fail to get their Quarm rewards if they were dead when earning the achievement. If this has happened to you, please contact Customer Service and they can grant you the item to flag your account for the prize.
– Items that are delivered as part of classic quests that were not flagged as ‘Quest’ items have had their quest flag corrected.
– Raid events from Planes of Power, Gates of Discord, and Omens of War will have their anti-exploit mechanic disabled once the server has unlocked Prophecy of Ro. With modern offensive and defensive capabilities, these often throw a false positive.

*** Spells ***

– Enchanter – Corrected a stacking issue that prevented more than one Enchanter from using the Baffling Constriction line of damage-over-time spells on a single target.
– Beastlord – Made some adjustments to low-level healing spells:
– – Light Healing is now available at level 18 rather than 20.
– – Healing is now available at level 28 rather than 36.
– – Greater Healing is now available at level 38 rather than 57.
– – Spirit Salve is now usable by Beastlords at level 48 and is available where Greater Healing is available.
– – Chloroplast is now available at level 59 rather than 62.
– Cleric – Removed the requirement for targets of Healing Light to be in your group and in line of sight.
– Druid – Removed the requirement for targets of Nature’s Renewal and Forest’s Renewal to be in your group and in line of sight.
– Shaman – Removed the requirement for targets of Spirit Salve and Kragg’s Salve to be in your group and in line of sight.
– Bard – The Lively Crescendo line of songs will no longer be focused for duration. This corrects an issue where they were taking longer than intended to trigger Crescendo Effect on the bard’s group.

*** NPCs ***

– Re-Labeled many merchants in Freeport so that their wares can be found more easily.
– The “In Irons” banish spell used by the Praesertums in Sanctus Seru will now teleport the affected character to the jail in the same zone, not the base version of the zone.

*** AA ***

All – A large number of ability lines have been moved from the Class AA window category to either the Archetype or Focus category.
All – Consolidated Bandage Wound to be ranks 4-13 (4-18 for Berserkers and Warriors) of First Aid.
All – Ranks 1-15 of the 5 general Innate Resist AA abilities have been consolidated into a single line that impacts the 5 basic resist types named Innate Spell Resistance. Consolidated Innate Corruption Protection to be ranks 16-20 of this combined line.
All – Ranks 1-15 of the 7 general Innate Statistic AA abilities have been consolidated to a single line that impacts all 7 statistics named Innate Eminence. Ranks 16-55 of these abilities have been consolidated to be ranks 21-60 of Planar Power.
All – Made the following adjustments to the First, Second, and Third Spire lines:
– The Fundament line that was previously required to purchase the first rank of each Spire has had its cost and effects consolidated into the first rank of each Spire.
– Classes that had a Spire hastening line for each spire have had these abilities consolidated to be ranks 4-8 of each spire.
– Classes that had a Spire hastening line that applied to all three spires have had these abilities split and consolidated to be ranks 4-8 (5-9 for Rogues) of each spire.
Multiple – Consolidated Elemental Agility to be ranks 1-3 of Companion’s Agility, these ranks are now available to all classes that have access to Companion’s Agility.
Multiple – Consolidated Elemental Durability to be ranks 1-3 of Companion’s Durability, these ranks are now available to all classes that have access to Companion’s Durability.
Multiple – Consolidated Hastened Forceful Rejuvenation to be ranks 2-10 of Forceful Rejuvenation.
Multiple – Consolidated Hastened Improved Twincast to be ranks 5-12 of Improved Twincast.
Multiple – Consolidated Planar Durability to be ranks 5-7 of Natural Durability. The portion of Physical Enhancement (and Improved Physical Enhancement for Rogues) that increases base hit-points by a percentage has been moved to be new ranks 4 and 11 (and 12) of Natural Durability.
Multiple – Consolidated Spell Casting Fury to be ranks 1-3 of Destructive Fury and Fury of Magic. Moved the component of ranks 16+ of Fury of Magic that increased the damage of critical direct-damage spells to Destructive Fury so that all ranks of Fury of Magic impact only the critical direct-damage chance and all ranks of Destructive Fury impact only the critical direct-damage damage-multiplier.
Multiple – Renamed Divine Companion Aura to Companion’s Divine Aura.
Multiple – Renamed Sturdy Companion to Companion’s Sturdiness.
Bard – Consolidated Hastened Shield of Notes to be ranks 16, 20, 24, and 28 of Shield of Notes.
Bard – Consolidated Selo’s Enduring Cadence to be ranks 6-8 of Innate Run Speed.
Beastlord – Consolidated Warder’s Alacrity to be ranks 1-14 and 18-26 of Companion’s Alacrity.
Beastlord – Consolidated Warder’s Fury to be ranks 1-15, 19-23, and 27-29 of Companion’s Fury.
Berserker – Consolidated Hastened Binding Axe to be ranks 3, 5, and 7 of Binding Axe.
Berserker – Consolidated Undaunted Fury to be rank 4 of Fear Resistance.
Berserker – Renamed the ability ‘Juggernaut’s Proficiency’ to ‘Juggernaut’s Weapon Mastery’.
Berserker – Renamed the ability ‘Two Hands, No Mercy’ to ‘Weapon Proficiency’.
Berserker, Monk, Rogue – Reduced the amount of damage done by attacks triggered from Destructive Force, Rake’s Rampage, and Furious Rampage.
Berserker, Warrior – Consolidated Dauntless Perseverance to be rank 4 of Stalwart Endurance and made this rank available to Berserkers.
Berserker, Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Rampage to be ranks 2-8 of Rampage.
Berserker, Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Vehement Rage to be ranks 4-6 and 10-11 of Vehement Rage.
Cleric – Consolidated Extended Healing Frenzy to be rank 7 of Healing Frenzy.
Cleric – Consolidated Extended Shield of Reverence to be rank 4 and Hastened Shield of Reverence to be ranks 5-11 of Shield of Reverence.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Blessing of Resurrection to be ranks 2-4 and Quickened Blessing of Resurrection to be ranks 5-7 of Blessing of Resurrection. Added a 600 point mana cost to this ability to match Reviviscence.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Celestial Hammer to be ranks 16-21 of Celestial Hammer.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Celestial Regeneration to be ranks 19-21 and 28-29 of Celestial Regeneration.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Channeling the Divine to be ranks 2-6 of Channeling the Divine. Additionally, combined the effects of Price of Divinity into Channeling the Divine so that this ability will no longer take two buff slots.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Divine Avatar to be ranks 10-15 and 22-24 of Divine Avatar.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Divine Guardian to be ranks 6-8 and 10-11 of Divine Guardian.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Divine Resurrection to be ranks 2-6 of Divine Resurrection.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Divine Retribution to be ranks 7-9 and 13-15 of Divine Retribution.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Focused Celestial Regeneration to be ranks 13-17 of Focused Celestial Regeneration.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Group Purify Soul to be ranks 2-6 of Group Purify Soul.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Purification of the Soul to be ranks 2-8 and 10-11 of Purify Soul.
Cleric – Consolidated Hastened Turn Undead to be ranks 9-17 and 25 and Quickened Turn Undead to be ranks 20-22, 26, and 33 of Turn Undead.
Cleric – Consolidated Quickened Call of the Herald to be ranks 2-5 of Call of the Herald.
Cleric, Druid, Shaman – Consolidated Cascade of Life to be ranks 6, 12, 18, and 24 of Abundant Healing.
Cleric, Druid, Shaman – Consolidated Hastened Curing to be ranks 4-6, 13-15, and 21 and Quickened Radiant Cure to be ranks 16-20 of Radiant Cure.
Cleric, Paladin – Consolidated Extended Yaulp to be rank 4 of Yaulp (Lesser).
Druid – Consolidated Hastened Nature’s Boon to be ranks 15, 19, and 23-25 of Nature’s Boon.
Druid – Consolidated Hastened Swarm of Fireflies to be ranks 5-9 of Swarm of Fireflies.
Druid – Reduced the base reuse time of Protection of Direwood from 15 to 2 minutes. Extended the duration from 18 seconds to 30 seconds.
Druid, Ranger, Shaman – Consolidated Fortified Foraging to be ranks 2-4 of Foraging.
Druid, Shaman – Consolidated Affliction Mastery to be ranks 7-15 and 19-27 of Critical Affliction.
Enchanter – Consolidated Hastened Reactive Rune to be ranks 7-11 of Reactive Rune.
Enchanter – Consolidated Hastened Soothing Words to be ranks 4-6 and 13 of Soothing Words.
Enchanter – Ethereal Manipulation has been renamed Tashan’s Lingering Cry and will now cause single target Tashani spells cast by the enchanter to trigger a debuff which increases the damage of direct-damage and damage-over-time spells that land on the target.
Enchanter – Phantasmic Reflex will now only trigger on level 110 and lower spells.
Enchanter – The various Enchant Metal abilities have been moved from the class category to the Special category of the AA ability window.
Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer, Wizard – Intelligence casters have been given access to ranks 1-6 of Twinproc.
Enchanter, Magician, Wizard – Consolidated Hastened Arcane Whisper to be ranks 8-12 of Arcane Whisper.
Magician – Consolidated Elemental Alacrity to be ranks 1-14 and 18-37 of Companion’s Alacrity.
Magician – Consolidated Elemental Fury to be ranks 1-15, 19-38, and 42-46 of Companion’s Fury.
Magician – Consolidated Hastened Second Wind Ward to be ranks 4-8 of Second Wind Ward.
Monk – Consolidated Weightless Steps to be ranks 6-8 of Innate Run Speed.
Monk – The passive ability Dragon Punch has been changed to an activated ability named Dragon Force. Rather than augmenting your existing Dragon Punch skill to trigger a knockback effect on your opponent it will directly trigger the knockback effect when activated.
Necromancer – Added 3 ranks of Fear Resistance to which Dread Incarnate is now rank 4.
Necromancer – Consolidated Death’s Fury to be ranks 1-5 and Death’s Wrath to be ranks 6-15, 19-40, and 44-46 of Companion’s Fury.
Necromancer – Consolidated Greater Blood Tithe to be ranks 13-15 and 18-20 and Affliction Mastery to be ranks 7-12, 16-17, 21, and 25-33 of Critical Affliction.
Necromancer – Consolidated Hastened Dead Mesmerization to be ranks 2-4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14-15, and 17 of Dead Mesmerization.
Necromancer – Consolidated Quickening of Death to be ranks 1-10 and 14-23 of Companion’s Alacrity.
Paladin – Consolidated Divine Fury to be ranks 12-14 of Divine Stun.
Paladin – Consolidated Extended Blessing of the Faithful to be ranks 7-9 of Blessing of the Faithful.
Paladin – Consolidated Extended Speed of the Savior to be ranks 2 and 7 and Hastened Speed of the Savior to be ranks 3-6 of Speed of the Savior.
Paladin – Consolidated Hastened Armor of the Inquisitor to be ranks 16-18 of Armor of the Inquisitor.
Paladin – Consolidated Hastened Beacon of the Righteous to be ranks 4-8, 12, and 17 and Extended Beacon to be ranks 13-14 of Beacon of the Righteous.
Paladin – Consolidated Hastened Gift of Resurrection to be ranks 2-4 and Quickened Gift of Resurrection to be ranks 5-8 of Gift of Resurrection. Added a 700 point mana cost to this ability to match Resurrection.
Paladin – Consolidated Hastened Hand of Piety to be ranks 7-9, 25-26, and 39-40 of Hand of Piety.
Paladin – Consolidated Hastened Leap of Faith to be ranks 3-7 of Leap of Faith.
Paladin – Consolidated Hastened Marr’s Salvation to be ranks 2-6 and 8-9 of Marr’s Salvation.
Paladin – Consolidated Hastened Projection of Piety to be ranks 3-7 of Projection of Piety.
Paladin – Consolidated Hastened Shield of Brilliance to be ranks 7-9 and 15-18 and Extended Shield of Brilliance to be rank 10 of Shield of Brilliance.
Paladin – Consolidated Quickened Force of Disruption to be ranks 15-17 of Force of Disruption.
Paladin – Consolidated Quickened Radiant Cure to be ranks 7-11 of Radiant Cure.
Paladin – Reduced the base reuse time of Thunder of Karana to 9 minutes to match the reduction previously offered by Hastened Armor of the Inquisitor.
Paladin, Shadowknight – Consolidated Fearless to be rank 4 of Fear Resistance.
Paladin, Shadowknight – Consolidated Hastened Ageless Enmity to be ranks 4-8 of Ageless Enmity.
Paladin, Shadowknight – Consolidated Quickened Helix of the Undying to be ranks 3-7 of Helix of the Undying.
Paladin, Shadowknight – Reduced the effectiveness of Knight’s Sedulity from 5% to 4%.
Paladin, Shadowknight – The various Summon Mount abilities have been moved from the class category to the Special category of the AA ability window.
Paladin, Shadowknight – Made a number of modifications to Shield Specialist:
– Ranks 1-5 of Shield Specialist are now ranks 1-5 of Knight’s Weapon Mastery, which increases the base damage of all weapon types wielded by the knight regardless of wearing a shield.
– Added a 6th rank and increased the effectiveness of all ranks of this ability.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Auspice of the Hunter to be ranks 13-15 and 30-32 and Quickened Auspice of the Hunter to be ranks 22-26 of Auspice of the Hunter.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Grasp of Sylvan Spirits to be ranks 2-7 of Grasp of Sylvan Spirits.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Group Guardian of the Forest to be ranks 4-6 and 13 of Group Guardian of the Forest.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Guardian of the Forest to be ranks 16-20 and 29 of Guardian of the Forest.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Harmonious Arrow to be ranks 2-4 of Harmonious Arrow.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Imbued Ferocity to be ranks 2-7 of Imbued Ferocity.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Outrider’s Accuracy to be ranks 10-14 of Outrider’s Accuracy.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Outrider’s Attack to be ranks 3-8 and 13 and Extended Outrider’s Attack to be ranks 10-12 and 16 of Outrider’s Attack.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Outrider’s Evasion to be ranks 3-5 of Outrider’s Evasion.
Ranger – Consolidated Hastened Protection of the Spirit Wolf to be ranks 13-17 and 24-26 of Protection of the Spirit Wolf.
Ranger – Consolidated Pathfinder’s Grace to be ranks 6-8 of Innate Run Speed.
Ranger – Increased the critical chance for archery attacks granted by Combat Fury to equal the critical chance for melee attacks (~6% increase).
Rogue – Consolidated Extended Thief’s Eyes to be ranks 1-2 of Enhanced Thief’s Eyes.
Rogue – Consolidated Improved Physical Enhancement to be rank 3 of Physical Enhancement.
Rogue – Consolidated Massive Strike Recurrence to be ranks 7, 12, and 18-19 and Flurry of Daggers to be ranks 8, 13, and 20-21 of Massive Strike.
Rogue – Consolidated Speed of the Scoundrel to be rank 6 of Innate Run Speed.
Rogue – Increased the critical chance for throwing attacks granted by Combat Fury to equal the critical chance for melee attacks (~13% increase).
Rogue – The various Cunning Disguise abilities have been moved from the class category to the Special category of the AA ability window.
Shadowknight – Consolidated Death’s Fury to be ranks 1-5 and Death’s Revenge to be ranks 9-21 and 25-27 of Companion’s Fury.
Shadowknight – Consolidated Hastened Hate Step to be ranks 2-4 and 6-7 of Hate Step.
Shadowknight – Consolidated Hastened Projection of Doom to be ranks 3-7 of Projection of Doom.
Shadowknight – Consolidated Hastened TVyl’s Resolve to be ranks 3-7 of TVyl’s Resolve. Reduced the incoming damage modifier of T`Vyl’s Weakness I-III from 15, 30, 35% to 15, 17, 20% and removed the 1500 hit limit restriction on the ability.
Shadowknight – Consolidated Hastened Thought Leech to be ranks 5-7 of Thought Leech.
Shadowknight – Consolidated Hastened Visage of Death to be ranks 4-9 and 13-15 of Visage of Death.
Shadowknight – Consolidated Hastened Visage of Decay to be ranks 4-6 of Visage of Decay.
Shaman – Consolidated Hastened Call of the Ancients to be ranks 9-13 of Call of the Ancients.
Shaman – Consolidated Hastened Spirit Guardian to be ranks 8-12 of Spirit Guardian.
Warrior – Consolidated Extended Resplendent Glory to be ranks 6-9 of Resplendent Glory.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Ageless Enmity to be ranks 4-6 of Ageless Enmity.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Area Taunt to be ranks 2-7 and 9 of Area Taunt.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Blast of Anger to be ranks 4-12 and 20-22 of Blast of Anger.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Gut Punch to be ranks 4-8, 11-13, and 19-22 of Gut Punch.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Mark of the Mage Hunter to be ranks 7-9 and 13-14 of Mark of the Mage Hunter.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Press the Attack to be ranks 5-12 of Press the Attack.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Projection of Fury to be ranks 2-4 and 6-9 of Projection of Fury.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Rage of Rallos Zek to be ranks 2-6 of Rage of Rallos Zek.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened War Cry to be ranks 7-12 of War Cry.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Warlord’s Tenacity to be ranks 7-11, 21-23, and 31 of Warlord’s Tenacity.
Warrior – Consolidated Hastened Wars Sheol’s Heroic Blade to be ranks 3-7 of Wars Sheol’s Heroic Blade.
Warrior – Consolidated Lasting Bravery to be ranks 2-4 and 11-13 and Hastened Warlord’s Bravery to be ranks 7-9 and 14-18 of Warlord’s Bravery.
Warrior – Consolidated Mass, Affected to be ranks 11-13 of Sturdiness.
Warrior – Consolidated Warlord’s Resolve to be rank 4 of Fear Resistance.
Warrior – Made a number of modifications to Shield Specialist and Improved Shield Specialist:
– Ranks 1-13 of Shield Specialist and ranks 1-3 of Improved Shield Specialist are now ranks 1-16 of Warlord’s Weapon Mastery, which increases the base damage of all weapon types wielded by the warrior regardless of wearing a shield.
– The chance to trigger Strike of Ire when attacking that was previously granted by ranks 1-3 of Improved Shield Specialist is now granted by ranks 10-12+ of Infused by Rage.
– Strike of Ire can now trigger when wielding either a shield or a weapon in your offhand.
– The bonus chance to trigger weapon effects that was previously granted by ranks 1-3 of Improved Shield Specialist is now granted by the Defensive Proficiency buff triggered by using a shield with Weapon Stances activated.
Wizard – Consolidated Hastened Ward of Destruction to be ranks 6-7, 13, and 15-16 of Ward of Destruction.
Wizard – Corrected an issue where the swords summoned by ranks 21-23 of Call of Xuzl didn’t take as much damage as was intended when they were the direct target of melee or spell attacks. The swords will retain their enhanced durability when hit by rampage or AE spells.

*** Progression Servers ***

– Phinigel – Added an instance of Howling Stones. You’ll have to speak with the Agent of Change inside Howling Stones to get it.
– The Plane of Mischief castle will no longer appear in Great Divide during the 10th Ring War, at least until LDoN has unlocked on the server (seriously this time).

*** Miscellaneous ***

– The way that spells and abilities that protect against a percentage of incoming spell or melee damage has been adjusted to more accurately calculate the amount of damage each buff will protect you from and select the best option.
– – Previously, the buff with the highest percentage was always considered better, but this behavior did not account for the amount of damage being done by the hit relative to the maximum per-hit protection that these buffs offered.
– Corrected an issue where spells that modify the body type of their target would cause problems with subsequent spells with the same effect.
– Corrected a longstanding issue where killing a creature with a riposte would cause that creature’s corpse to remain targeted.
– Corrected an issue that caused abilities that increase your chance to riposte your opponent to negate your opponent’s chance to riposte your attacks.
– – Coinciding with this change, the damage that non-pet NPCs deal with riposte attacks has been globally reduced.
– Fixed an issue with character deletion where the currently selected character would get deleted instead of the character that was prompted for if the selection changed while the prompt window was open.

*** UI ***

– Corrected an issue where the AA window would display Timer 0 for some passive AA abilities.
– Adjusted the ornamentation label in the item display window so that visible ornaments do not cause the window to stretch horizontally.
– Corrected several issues with hotkeys created from the pet window:
– – NOTE: Hotkeys previously created from the Pet Info Window hotkeys will need to be recreated to be fixed.
– – Hotkeys created from pet window command keys will now function if that command is no longer active in the pet window.
– – Hotkeys created from pet window command keys will no longer change function if the slot they were created from changes function.
– – Hotkeys created from pet window commands can be renamed and will now continue to function.
– – Hotkeys can now be created without an active pet.
– – Pet window command keys can now be changed without an active pet.
– Fixed some pop up messages that used the color grey instead of the color selected in ‘Event Messages’ in the Options->Chat tab.

– Changed –


– The EverQuest Team

One thought on “Qindaar has been away for the Summer, but here is what is New at EQ

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