If Hebrew was not Hard Enough, Try Alaran


Quindaar, Vmalice and Valmantia have started on our way to the progressions for the Veil of Tears.  Yesterday, Qindaar thought he would get a head start on researching, so he headed off to meet with the Magistrate of Argath, when he got there the Magistrate could not understand what he was saying nor Qindaar him, so I did a bit more research and found out that Qindaar has to learn the language first before he can communicate.  I relayed this info to the team and we headed out to do the prerequisites.  We have to help the Alarians by killing their enemies five different kill tasks, then we have to do one six quest chain and then two group missions, after this we will have a rudimentary understanding of the language a seventy out of a one hundred skill level.

We have one of the five kill tasks done, probably will not be able to do one tonight since I have a RL dinner engagement, I anticipate two weeks to learn the language unless I can get a guildy to help me out during the day.