Since RL got in the way yesterday of serious game play, Qindaar worked his way through Blightmoore working on the Heroic Achievement. The funny thing was every time Qindaar completed a Quest or and Achievement the guild would congratulate him. Finally I had to chime in and say thanks but to kill a level 30 MoB with a level 90 Wizard is a joke. All I have to do is look at them and they die. Actually I run all around the zone have the entire place attacking me, cast an area effect spell of brimstone and kill them all in one fell swoop. I laugh every time I do it.
A thing Sony needs to add to the game are bottomless bags, I swear you cannot carry or bank everything you come across, but you never know if your going to need it in the future. I have more junk accumulating that I have all the largest bags you can buy stashed in the bank and still running out of room. There has to be a better way.
Back to work now, maybe I will get some serious play in tonight.